Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century Organization Design Principles and Recommendations

January 21, 2020

When America’s Founders wrote the Constitution, they laid out a clear vision for the United States Government: to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Moreover, they established Executive Branch organizations and structures to deliver on the Federal mission in ways appropriate to America’s needs at the time. Over successive generations, our Federal Government has evolved by expanding in scope and complexity to try to meet Americans’ needs. However, the organizational structures that underpin the Executive Branch have not always kept pace.


City of Tigard

Located in the beautiful Willamette Valley, the City of Tigard is a clean, family-oriented community just 10 minutes southwest of Portland in Washington County. Tigard strives to blend the amenities of a modern city with the friendliness and community spirit of a small town. Tigard is the 12th largest city in Oregon with a population of over 48,000.

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2020 federal agenda

whitePaper | March 9, 2020

Our federal funding and policy priorities for the coming year reflect our public mission and our commitment to the public good, which are inextricably linked to the University’s historical partnership with the U.S. government. The federal government’s longstanding pledge to invest in research empowers the UW to bridge the gap between curiosity and research-driven discovery and is critical to the health and economic competitiveness of our nation. From regenerative medicine to cleanenergy technologies, new knowledge for a better world is the driving force behind what we do. Support from the federal establishment is critical to ensuring that our positive impact continues.

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Digital Trust

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

Digitalisation offers new approaches to trust. Competitors who do not see eye-to-eye can still transact efficiently because technologies such as privacy-enhancing technologies, distributed ledgers (also called shared ledgers), coupled with good governance in processes now enable these interactions even without parties knowing who they transact with.

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The Role of Monopoly in America’s Prescription Drug Crisis

whitePaper | December 10, 2019

The Trump administration, members of Congress from both parties, and many states have introduced proposals to combat high drug prices. Too often missing from these reform efforts, however, is a clear understanding of a root cause of the crisis: the suppression of fair market competition through various forms of monopoly. This white paper examines and proposes solutions for the two main ways that monopoly drives up the costs and lowers the quality of prescription drugs: increasing corporate concentration in the pharmaceutical industry, and the monopoly markets for individual drugs created by a deeply flawed and increasingly abused patent and regulatory system.

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How the Need for Contactless Government

whitePaper | December 29, 2021

Digital and mobile technology have played a significant role in keeping communities connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. From broken streetlights to damaging potholes, residents quickly adopted the virtual front door model to safely submit questions, photos, issues, and concerns through contactless methods.

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Levelling Up the United Kingdom

whitePaper | February 2, 2022

The United Kingdom is an unparalleled success story – a multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-ethnic state with the world’s best broadcaster; a vibrantly creative arts sector; a National Health Service which guarantees care for every citizen; charities and voluntary groups which perform a million acts of kindness daily; globally renowned scientists extending the boundaries of knowledge every year; entrepreneurs developing the products and services which bring joy and jobs to so many; and millions of citizens whose kindness and compassion has been so powerfully displayed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2021

whitePaper | November 3, 2021

The Department of Defense (DoD) annual report to Congress on military and security developments involving the People’s Republic of China (PRC) provides a baseline assessment of the Department’s pacing challenge. The PRC has long viewed the United States as a competitor and has characterized its view of strategic competition in terms of a rivalry among powerful nation states, as well as a clash of opposing systems. As expressed in the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, the PRC is the only competitor capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system. The PRC is increasingly clear in its ambitions and intentions.

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City of Tigard

Located in the beautiful Willamette Valley, the City of Tigard is a clean, family-oriented community just 10 minutes southwest of Portland in Washington County. Tigard strives to blend the amenities of a modern city with the friendliness and community spirit of a small town. Tigard is the 12th largest city in Oregon with a population of over 48,000.
