Reforming US Trade Policy for Shared Prosperity and the Planet

November 15, 2019

Trade was not such a controversial topic not so long ago. For most of the post-war era trade worked well for the US and for many other countries. A bipartisan consensus supported continuing trade liberalization as long as it was accompanied by full employment. However trade always had winners and losers as economies adjust to different costs of production among trading partners and over the last few decades the number of US workers losing from trade mounted and the losses spread across hard hit communities. For these and other reasons, trade has become so controversial that it is now a key pivot point in politics and elections in the US.


Saudi eGovernment Program

The Government of Saudi Arabia attaches high significance to the e-government concept and the transformation process that leads to its realization. It strongly believes in the huge benefits such concept of e-government entails for the national economy. Accordingly, the supreme Royal Decree…

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Digital Trust

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

Digitalisation offers new approaches to trust. Competitors who do not see eye-to-eye can still transact efficiently because technologies such as privacy-enhancing technologies, distributed ledgers (also called shared ledgers), coupled with good governance in processes now enable these interactions even without parties knowing who they transact with.

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Levelling Up the United Kingdom

whitePaper | February 2, 2022

The United Kingdom is an unparalleled success story – a multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-ethnic state with the world’s best broadcaster; a vibrantly creative arts sector; a National Health Service which guarantees care for every citizen; charities and voluntary groups which perform a million acts of kindness daily; globally renowned scientists extending the boundaries of knowledge every year; entrepreneurs developing the products and services which bring joy and jobs to so many; and millions of citizens whose kindness and compassion has been so powerfully displayed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Whitepaper v1.0 - Neotech – Finance

whitePaper | April 30, 2022

NeoTech is creating smart city digital infrastructure that can lead to massive improvements in citizens quality of life and increase the protection of the environment while reducing the cost of doing so. NeoTech uses cutting edge technology in both hardware and software to recreate a 1:1 exact replica of the Earth in utterly digital form, enabling thousands of new applications to be spun off on top of our new Metaverse, enabling startups, enterprises, and people alike to take part in this new technological revolution.

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The National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States

whitePaper | February 21, 2020

Protecting our Nation’s security and continuing to enhance the prosperity of our citizens are my top priorities. Ensuring that the United States is protected against espionage and other damaging intelligence activities conducted by our foreign adversaries is essential to meeting those goals. The Nation faces an expanding array of foreign intelligence threats by adversaries who are using increasingly sophisticated methods to harm the United States.

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Guide to Empowering a Mobile Workforce for State & Local Government

whitePaper | April 16, 2020

For government employees, work isn’t a place anymore. It’s something they do, wherever and whenever the need arises. To reach decisions, build relationships, manage finances, and drive strategic value—even with today’s tight resources—mobile workers need the freedom to move beyond agency walls without leaving behind the resources they need to be effective. They need to be able to do anything, anywhere, and on whatever device is most convenient—including their own personal devices—from laptops to the latest tablets and smartphones.

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whitePaper | June 10, 2022

The public sector is feeling the squeeze between an increase in cyber attacks and a lack of increased resources to keep up. In a recent survey conducted on behalf of SolarWinds, public sector respondents reported increased concern over ransomware, malware and phishing the most over the previous year, but time to detection and resolution had not improved for the majority.1 To bolster application security, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum directing agencies to identify critical software and implement the latest protections outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Another OMB memorandum presented a federal zero trust architecture (ZTA) strategy that requires agencies to meet specific cybersecurity standards and objectives by the end of FY2024.

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Saudi eGovernment Program

The Government of Saudi Arabia attaches high significance to the e-government concept and the transformation process that leads to its realization. It strongly believes in the huge benefits such concept of e-government entails for the national economy. Accordingly, the supreme Royal Decree…
