SNAP-Ed Helps Spur Healthy Choices

March is National Nutrition Month. Throughout the month, USDA will be highlighting results of our efforts to improve access to safe, healthy food for all Americans and supporting the health of our next generation. Encouraging all Americans to make healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices is a top priority for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). One of the most important ways we do that is through nutrition education provided by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. SNAP-Ed delivers evidence-based, coordinated nutrition education and obesity prevention services and information to people participating in SNAP, as well as other eligible low-income families and communities. Activities provided through SNAP-Ed encourage physical activity, work to improve nutrition, and prevent obesity.


Industrial Commission of Arizona

The Industrial Commission of Arizona is the agency that administers and enforces state laws relating to the protection of life, health, safety and welfare of Arizona's employees. This includes laws relating to workers' compensation, occupational safety and health, payment of wages, and child labor.


Public continues to support funding for school expansions, upgrades

Article | March 23, 2022

There is great angst related to every aspect of reopening of schools in the U.S. What to do? How to do it? When to do it? The questions are numerous, and there is little certainty about anything. However, one thing is not in question – schools and our education system are critically important to our lives, our future, and our economic destiny. American taxpayers have shown no indication that neglecting schools is an option they want to consider. Citizens everywhere appear to be committed to the premise that America must provide modern educational facilities, leading edge technology, and outstanding teachers. To substantiate that point, one only has to take a quick look at what is happening throughout the country. Educational leaders are announcing plans for expanding, rebuilding, and enhancing campuses for tomorrow’s students. And, taxpayers are solidifying their support by approving the required funding. Here are but a few examples. Oregon The West Linn-Wilsonville School District will rely on $206.9 million in funding that was approved by voters to make major expansions. The funding includes $39 million for a new primary school, $18 million for technology upgrades, $25 million for expansion of the Wilsonville High School auditorium, and $15.25 million to secure school entrances, purchase lockdown hardware, and install shelter-in-place curtains. The funding also will cover costs for additional parking and a project to significantly increase the seating capacity of the high school football stadium. Texas In June 2020, the Cleveland ISD approved the first of many projects as part of a $198 million bond package that was approved by voters. Some projects have begun and other planned projects will include the renovation of Northside Elementary and the construction of a sixth elementary school and a new junior high school facility. Additionally, the funding will be used for the addition of a teacher learning center and administrative office as well as for upgrades to the softball and baseball fields at Cleveland High School. Continued growth in this part of the state has required the district to find temporary solutions such as costs of $3 million for portable buildings for classrooms while construction is underway. New Jersey Taxpayers approved a $37.6 million bond election for the Deptford Township School District. It includes replacement of some mercury-infested floors at a number of schools and construction of 16 additional classrooms at the district’s middle school. The funding also will be available for construction of two new science labs, an auxiliary gym, a cafeteria, a new main office, and a new central district office. In Woodbury Heights, voters approved a $2 million bond proposal for construction and renovation projects. The school needs a new main office and a security vestibule. Officials also want to convert some classrooms into a larger area that can be used for group instruction. Nebraska Bennington Public Schools will get a fifth elementary school and second middle school with a $72 million bond issue that was approved in March. The plan was to solicit proposals as quickly as possible with a goal of having construction completed by August 2021. The plan calls for the new middle school to open in 2022. The district also plans for other improvements district-wide, including to the high school softball and football stadiums, and middle school track. Bond money will be used to purchase land for a second high school. California The Oakland Unified School Board voted to place a $735 million construction bond measure on the November ballot to upgrade aging facilities. If approved by voters, the district will upgrade and expand seven schools and construct a new $50 million administrative building. Additional funding will go toward new kitchens at three schools and a cafeteria at one campus. The board also agreed that about $200 million could be used to fund districtwide safety repairs and possible improvements based on COVID-19 requirements at dozens of schools. Another $10 million is allocated for school expansions or other new projects. The cost estimates used by the board were based on the district’s Facilities Master Plan. Michigan The Clio Area School District has announced different plans because the district will downsize. However, voters approved a $40.6 million bond in May. With that funding, the district will begin to consolidate Garner Elementary School, Carter Middle School, Clio High School, and the transportation building. The remaining schools will receive extensive renovations and improvements including ceiling and flooring replacements, air-conditioning, new security systems, and updated technology. The Kenowa Hills School District also received voter approval in May for a $67 million bond proposal. The funding will be used to target multiple areas including, modernizing classrooms, replacing technology, expanding the Early Childhood Center, upgrading facilities and infrastructure, enhancing security, and creating a new STEM lab (science, technology, engineering, and math). In spite of uncertain times, schools are held in high regard and citizens and taxpayers continue to show their support for preserving public assets, enhancing safety, and providing the technology required for quality instruction. Mary Scott Nabers is president and CEO of Strategic Partnerships Inc., a business development company specializing in government contracting and procurement consulting throughout the U.S. Her recently released book, Inside the Infrastructure Revolution: A Roadmap for Building America, is a handbook for contractors, investors and the public at large seeking to explore how public-private partnerships or joint ventures can help finance their infrastructure projects.

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Emerging Technology, Government Business

The Deadly Coronavirus Crisis is Also an Opportunity

Article | October 7, 2022

Unless America and China assume joint leadership for global economic recovery, reconstruction of the post-coronavirus world could take years, with unimaginable consequences for the world’s 7.8 billion inhabitants, including unprecedented levels of global unemployment, famine, and even war. In the pre-coronavirus world, suggestions for a partnership between the world’s two superpowers would have been met with gales of laughter. But now, despite the two leaders’ daggers drawn posture, hundreds of doctors and scientists in the U.S. and China are already working together on clinical trials of potential coronavirus drugs; and one of China’s biggest property developers has funded a five-year $115 million project between Harvard University and the Guangzhou Institute for Respiratory Health. But the window of opportunity for acting together is short. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to decimate the world’s economies. Unemployment in the U.S. now tops 22 million, a level not seen since the great-depression of the nineteen-thirties; while China’s economy stopped growing for the first time in four decades as half a million small and mid-size businesses, the backbone of China’s economy closed; and Italy, the second largest manufacturing economy in the EU watches helplessly as the pandemic axe dismembers its economy. Were India and Africa were unable to control the coronavirus the results could be catastrophic. So, are there issues of such import and mutual benefit that they would convince President’s Trump and Xi Jinping to work together? I believe there are. My two cents worth below. The two superpowers could leverage China’s vast, trillion-dollar global infrastructure project—the Belt and Road Initiative or BRI, that aims to build infrastructure in over 120 countries of Asia, Europe, and Africa. The BRI is designed to act as a conveyer belt to transmit Chinese investment and technology into these countries to improve their economies, and to link them to China. But now Covid-19 has crimped China’s ability to sustain BRI’s trillion-dollar underwriting tab and President Xi Jinping’s grandiose vision is at risk. On the other hand, the United States, which has been searching for a counter to BRI, has settled on an initiative called the Blue Dot Network or BDN. The idea behind the BDN is the U.S. would rigorously vet infrastructure project applications in developing countries to ensure high levels of transparency, sustainability, and economic viability before seeding them with startup funds from the U.S. Government. The BDN hallmark would then inspire confidence in the projects to attract private U.S. funding. But the relatively paltry BDN budget of $60 billion (versus China’s 1000 billion or trillion-dollar BRI budget) and developing countries’ skepticism of Western (read U.S.) dominated standards for infrastructure construction have hobbled the BDN. If the U.S. and China could find a way to combine BRI and the BDN it would ensure a stream of dollars from private U.S. companies into BRI and ensure its projects remain on track to create jobs and raise living standards around the world. The compromises required by America and China to weld BRI and BDN together would ensure the U.S. gets a seat at the table to influence the adoption of standards for starting and executing BRI projects. Here’s another idea: The U.S. military is especially qualified to help fight natural disasters. In 2004, for instance, 3,000 U.S. military personnel were deployed to West Africa to help combat a deadly Ebola epidemic. Their work included constructing 17 hospitals, field training, and deploying assistance by air to remote villages. Today the U.S. military is being used to rapidly set up hospitals in U.S. cities to handle the burgeoning coronavirus caseload. The People’s Liberation Army meanwhile seems determined to play a more active global role in peace-keeping projects around the world. Coronavirus-aid projects delivered to less-off countries through joint U.S.-China military teams would double what the U.S. and China could do on their own. And help establish the military to military connections that the U.S. has tried to foster with China for some time. A working relationship between the two nations’ militaries might even lead to a more stable geopolitical balance of power. The Chinese word for crisis contains two characters. One signals danger, the other opportunity. Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping should boldly find a way to join forces to convert the deadly Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity that would supercharge global economic recovery and might well change the course of the 21st Century. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity that ought not to be squandered.

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Government Business

The Advantages of Introducing 5G to the Federal Government

Article | July 11, 2022

The average smartphone user should be fully informed about 5G, or have seen dozens of commercials promoting the service. Telecom companies are aggressively pushing it, with some even offering 5G routers and access points for home. While the federal government has always been interested in 5G and is testing it at several military bases, the technology's consumerization means that agencies must work faster to integrate it into their own networks. Citizens who have grown accustomed to lightning-fast connections on their home internet and phones will expect the same when contacting the government. For the past few years, the development of government 5G has been slow. The Trump administration sanctioned Huawei, the leading supplier of 5G wireless network infrastructure at the time, in 2019 because its ties to the Chinese government posed a national security risk. For a time, this limited the availability of 5G network technology in the United States until telecoms were able to switch to non-Chinese company vendors. The 5G Market is Starting to Open Up to Federal Customers: Other challenges for federal 5G include the potential for signals to disrupt safety equipment aboard commercial aircraft (Verizon and AT&T agreed in January not to turn on hundreds of transmission towers near airports), as well as ongoing supply chain and workforce shortage issues. Agencies are also in the process of transitioning their telecommunications contracts to the GSA's Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract. All existing telecom contracts that are not already covered by EIS will expire in May 2023. It's been a trying and perplexing time for 5G supporters. However, the 5G market is beginning to shift, which may allow federal agencies to move as quickly as consumers would like. Changes to the 5G Network Will Increase Speed and Improve Workflow: Agencies wishing to deploy 5G will require vendors capable of securing the endpoints that connect to the network, whether on the ground or in the air, as well as the connections between the agency and its telecom provider. As network usage grows, user authentication and identity management will become essential services. 5G will allow agencies to receive and transmit far more data at a much faster rate than ever before, but that data must be protected and secured. 5G may also replace existing network technologies such as WAN and multiprotocol label-switching, and agencies must prepare for this transition.

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The State of Federal Thinking on Zero Trust

Article | June 11, 2020

As federal agencies continue to support large numbers of remote workers, IT leaders have started to evolve their thinking on zero-trust security architectures. Increasingly, they are becoming more comfortable with the concept and are seeking to lay the foundation for deployments. Zero trust represents a mindset shift in cybersecurity in which every transaction is verified before access is granted to users and devices. In the federal government, it is still a relatively nascent approach, with some pilot programs here and there. However, IT leaders seem to recognize that cybersecurity models are increasingly going to be defined by a zero-trust architecture.

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Industrial Commission of Arizona

The Industrial Commission of Arizona is the agency that administers and enforces state laws relating to the protection of life, health, safety and welfare of Arizona's employees. This includes laws relating to workers' compensation, occupational safety and health, payment of wages, and child labor.

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Emerging Technology

Thentia now working with AWS to drive innovation in the public sector

PR Newswire | January 20, 2024

Thentia, a leading innovator in regulatory technology, is pleased to announce that it is now working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to drive continued innovation in the public sector. Thentia is empowering regulators to seamlessly tap into the company's comprehensive regulatory assurance Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, Thentia Cloud, powered by AWS, fortifying the landscape of regulatory oversight. "We are thrilled to be working with AWS as we persist in our commitment to deliver an enhanced experience for government agencies and regulatory entities globally." says Julian Cardarelli, CEO, Thentia. "By leveraging the power of AWS, we solidify our position as a clear leader and a versatile multi-cloud provider in our category, affirming our commitment to ongoing excellence." Cardarelli adds, "With our world-class, fully integrated regulatory assurance platform now accessible on AWS, we strengthen our commitment to empower the public sector with sophisticated tools for unparalleled efficiency in fulfilling their mandate of public protection." Other key benefits of Thentia's relationship with AWS include working with AWS engineers and architects to optimize Thentia Cloud's performance, security, compliance, and reliability. Partnering with AWS also helps ensure that Thentia Cloud remains at the forefront of the latest advances in cloud computing. Designed for regulators by regulators, Thentia Cloud digitizes, streamlines, and consolidates all essential regulatory functions within a single and secure cloud-based environment. The platform is designed to empower regulators with a comprehensive 360-degree view of all licensee activities, giving them a much more modern, streamlined, and efficient way to work and ultimately meet their regulatory obligation to safeguard the public. Trusted by millions of licensed professionals, businesses, and entities globally, Thentia has been recognized by regulators worldwide for its enhanced blend of technological innovation and regulatory proficiency. In addition to AWS, Thentia Cloud is available on other cloud providers including Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. About Thentia Thoughtfully built for regulators, by regulators, Thentia is driving regulatory transformation for hundreds of regulators and regulatory agencies worldwide with a platform that handles all key department functions including licensing, investigations, enforcement, fitness to practise, quality assurance, scope of practise, continuing education, board management, data analysis, and more. Thentia Cloud empowers regulators to transcend the constraints of legacy processes, custom-built solutions, and a web of disparate applications with a single unified 360-degree platform, setting new standards in efficiency and effectiveness. Thentia Cloud is available on all major cloud providers, including Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

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Emerging Technology

CGI's Sunflower asset management cloud solution receives FedRAMP approval

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

CGI Federal Inc., the wholly-owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., today announced that its Sunflower asset management cloud solution has received approval from FedRAMP, certifying CGI's cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution for use across federal government agencies in the U.S. CGI's Sunflower cloud solution is a proven, built-for-federal capability that enables management of client property, including federal property, personal property and IT assets. Currently enabling management of 4.2 million client assets at over 75 federal entities, Sunflower asset management solutions provide clients with improved efficiency, software standardization and predictable costs, balancing client needs for flexibility and functionality. Many of the agencies currently using Sunflower today have authority to operate in cloud infrastructure environments. "For federal asset and financial managers confronting the challenges posed by cybersecurity, cloud modernization and digital transformation, Sunflower empowers organizations to improve decision-making, accountability and transparency," said John B. Owens II, Senior Vice President Consulting Delivery, Federal Solutions Group, CGI. "Sunflower's listing as a FedRAMP-approved solution provides federal IT decisionmakers with additional confidence that CGI cloud technologies meet the highest security and compliance standards for mission-critical government entities." FedRAMP is a government-wide program that promotes the adoption of secure cloud services across the federal government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment for cloud technologies and federal agencies. As one of the most stringent compliance processes an IT provider can undertake, FedRAMP includes an in-depth examination of a solution's data security and data governance capabilities, as well as the security practices of its cloud services. About CGI Federal CGI Federal Inc., a wholly-owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions. Founded in 1976, CGI Inc. is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 91,500 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI Inc. delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI Inc. works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Inc. Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is C$14.30 billion and CGI Inc.

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Emerging Technology

Domino Data Lab Lends AI Expertise to Atlantic Council's Commission on Software-Defined Warfare

PR Newswire | January 23, 2024

Domino Data Lab, provider of the leading Enterprise AI platform trusted by over 20% of the Fortune 100, today announced it has joined the Atlantic Council's newly-formed Commission on Software-Defined Warfare, where Domino President of Public Sector Joel Meyer will represent the company to help ensure the U.S. and its allies can effectively leverage software, particularly AI platforms at scale, to enhance defense capabilities. Co-chaired by 27th U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper, Former Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense Christine Fox, and President of Purdue University Mung Chiang, the Commission will develop a framework to enhance U.S. and allied forces through emergent digital capabilities. The commission will leverage insights from a prestigious and diverse group of subject matter experts, including former government officials, and industry leaders who will offer a wealth of valuable perspectives. The continued proliferation of advanced commercial technology, including infrastructure and tooling to support artificial intelligence, is transforming the battlefield and changing its dynamics in ways that could alter existing military balances of power. Meyer will work with the Commission to help recognize and recommend scalable, governable, and cost-effective AI approaches and solutions to ensure U.S. competitiveness amidst this paradigm shift. "To ensure the U.S. maintains its global leadership in today's technology-driven security environment, the DoD must modernize its approach to acquiring and leveraging digital capabilities," said Meyer. "I'm honored to assist the Atlantic Council's critical work to enable the DoD to leverage responsible AI-driven capabilities for data-driven decisions at the speed of battle, and support our long-term national security." This new commission is the latest of the Atlantic Council's efforts to recommend modern software practices the DoD can implement to optimize or improve defense capabilities. "Cutting-edge technology companies like Domino are crucial to closing the yawning gap in current capabilities for advancing national defense," said Stephen Rodriguez, commission director and senior advisor, at the Atlantic Council's Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and its Forward Defense program. "The expertise that Joel Meyer brings from his prior senior national security and technology roles will help cement the Commission's ability to drive change that supports American and allied security." The Commission's work will culminate in a framework for the U.S. legislative and executive branches, defense prime contractors and tech start-ups, and U.S. allies and partners to holistically approach software capability development and integration with military hardware. Domino for Government: Secure & Governed Mission-Driven AI Domino's Enterprise AI and MLOps Platform helps government agencies integrate AI into their missions rapidly, safely, and cost-effectively. Domino makes it easy for federal agencies to build, deploy, and manage AI at scale, on a unified platform without risking their AI intellectual property. Agency data scientists, contractors, and collaborators can securely access on-demand compute infrastructure and their choice of commercial and open-source data, tools, models, and projects—across any on-prem, GovCloud, and hybrid/multi-cloud environments. With Domino, agencies can improve collaboration and governance while establishing AI standards and best practices that accelerate their missions. "The DoD needs to continue to accelerate the integration of artificial intelligence into its mission sets to more effectively deter, deny, and if necessary, defeat our nation's adversaries," said Brigadier General and Domino advisor Bobby Kinney. "Domino's open, API-driven architecture ensures flexibility and freedom for users while offering control and built-in governance for platform and security owners — a critical role in how the DoD and its allies and partners modernize in the scaling of much-needed AI tooling and infrastructure." About Domino Data Lab Domino Data Lab empowers the largest AI-driven enterprises to build and operate AI at scale. Domino's Enterprise AI platform unifies the flexibility AI teams want with the visibility and control the enterprise requires. Domino enables a repeatable and agile ML lifecycle for faster, responsible AI impact with lower costs. With Domino, global enterprises can develop better medicines, grow more productive crops, develop more competitive products, and more. Founded in 2013, Domino is backed by Sequoia Capital, Coatue Management, NVIDIA, Snowflake, and other leading investors.

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Emerging Technology

Thentia now working with AWS to drive innovation in the public sector

PR Newswire | January 20, 2024

Thentia, a leading innovator in regulatory technology, is pleased to announce that it is now working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to drive continued innovation in the public sector. Thentia is empowering regulators to seamlessly tap into the company's comprehensive regulatory assurance Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, Thentia Cloud, powered by AWS, fortifying the landscape of regulatory oversight. "We are thrilled to be working with AWS as we persist in our commitment to deliver an enhanced experience for government agencies and regulatory entities globally." says Julian Cardarelli, CEO, Thentia. "By leveraging the power of AWS, we solidify our position as a clear leader and a versatile multi-cloud provider in our category, affirming our commitment to ongoing excellence." Cardarelli adds, "With our world-class, fully integrated regulatory assurance platform now accessible on AWS, we strengthen our commitment to empower the public sector with sophisticated tools for unparalleled efficiency in fulfilling their mandate of public protection." Other key benefits of Thentia's relationship with AWS include working with AWS engineers and architects to optimize Thentia Cloud's performance, security, compliance, and reliability. Partnering with AWS also helps ensure that Thentia Cloud remains at the forefront of the latest advances in cloud computing. Designed for regulators by regulators, Thentia Cloud digitizes, streamlines, and consolidates all essential regulatory functions within a single and secure cloud-based environment. The platform is designed to empower regulators with a comprehensive 360-degree view of all licensee activities, giving them a much more modern, streamlined, and efficient way to work and ultimately meet their regulatory obligation to safeguard the public. Trusted by millions of licensed professionals, businesses, and entities globally, Thentia has been recognized by regulators worldwide for its enhanced blend of technological innovation and regulatory proficiency. In addition to AWS, Thentia Cloud is available on other cloud providers including Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. About Thentia Thoughtfully built for regulators, by regulators, Thentia is driving regulatory transformation for hundreds of regulators and regulatory agencies worldwide with a platform that handles all key department functions including licensing, investigations, enforcement, fitness to practise, quality assurance, scope of practise, continuing education, board management, data analysis, and more. Thentia Cloud empowers regulators to transcend the constraints of legacy processes, custom-built solutions, and a web of disparate applications with a single unified 360-degree platform, setting new standards in efficiency and effectiveness. Thentia Cloud is available on all major cloud providers, including Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

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Emerging Technology

CGI's Sunflower asset management cloud solution receives FedRAMP approval

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

CGI Federal Inc., the wholly-owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., today announced that its Sunflower asset management cloud solution has received approval from FedRAMP, certifying CGI's cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution for use across federal government agencies in the U.S. CGI's Sunflower cloud solution is a proven, built-for-federal capability that enables management of client property, including federal property, personal property and IT assets. Currently enabling management of 4.2 million client assets at over 75 federal entities, Sunflower asset management solutions provide clients with improved efficiency, software standardization and predictable costs, balancing client needs for flexibility and functionality. Many of the agencies currently using Sunflower today have authority to operate in cloud infrastructure environments. "For federal asset and financial managers confronting the challenges posed by cybersecurity, cloud modernization and digital transformation, Sunflower empowers organizations to improve decision-making, accountability and transparency," said John B. Owens II, Senior Vice President Consulting Delivery, Federal Solutions Group, CGI. "Sunflower's listing as a FedRAMP-approved solution provides federal IT decisionmakers with additional confidence that CGI cloud technologies meet the highest security and compliance standards for mission-critical government entities." FedRAMP is a government-wide program that promotes the adoption of secure cloud services across the federal government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment for cloud technologies and federal agencies. As one of the most stringent compliance processes an IT provider can undertake, FedRAMP includes an in-depth examination of a solution's data security and data governance capabilities, as well as the security practices of its cloud services. About CGI Federal CGI Federal Inc., a wholly-owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc., is dedicated to partnering with federal agencies to provide solutions for defense, civilian, healthcare, justice, intelligence, and international affairs missions. Founded in 1976, CGI Inc. is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world. With 91,500 consultants and professionals across the globe, CGI Inc. delivers an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities, from strategic IT and business consulting to systems integration, managed IT and business process services and intellectual property solutions. CGI Inc. works with clients through a local relationship model complemented by a global delivery network that helps clients digitally transform their organizations and accelerate results. CGI Inc. Fiscal 2023 reported revenue is C$14.30 billion and CGI Inc.

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Emerging Technology

Domino Data Lab Lends AI Expertise to Atlantic Council's Commission on Software-Defined Warfare

PR Newswire | January 23, 2024

Domino Data Lab, provider of the leading Enterprise AI platform trusted by over 20% of the Fortune 100, today announced it has joined the Atlantic Council's newly-formed Commission on Software-Defined Warfare, where Domino President of Public Sector Joel Meyer will represent the company to help ensure the U.S. and its allies can effectively leverage software, particularly AI platforms at scale, to enhance defense capabilities. Co-chaired by 27th U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper, Former Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense Christine Fox, and President of Purdue University Mung Chiang, the Commission will develop a framework to enhance U.S. and allied forces through emergent digital capabilities. The commission will leverage insights from a prestigious and diverse group of subject matter experts, including former government officials, and industry leaders who will offer a wealth of valuable perspectives. The continued proliferation of advanced commercial technology, including infrastructure and tooling to support artificial intelligence, is transforming the battlefield and changing its dynamics in ways that could alter existing military balances of power. Meyer will work with the Commission to help recognize and recommend scalable, governable, and cost-effective AI approaches and solutions to ensure U.S. competitiveness amidst this paradigm shift. "To ensure the U.S. maintains its global leadership in today's technology-driven security environment, the DoD must modernize its approach to acquiring and leveraging digital capabilities," said Meyer. "I'm honored to assist the Atlantic Council's critical work to enable the DoD to leverage responsible AI-driven capabilities for data-driven decisions at the speed of battle, and support our long-term national security." This new commission is the latest of the Atlantic Council's efforts to recommend modern software practices the DoD can implement to optimize or improve defense capabilities. "Cutting-edge technology companies like Domino are crucial to closing the yawning gap in current capabilities for advancing national defense," said Stephen Rodriguez, commission director and senior advisor, at the Atlantic Council's Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and its Forward Defense program. "The expertise that Joel Meyer brings from his prior senior national security and technology roles will help cement the Commission's ability to drive change that supports American and allied security." The Commission's work will culminate in a framework for the U.S. legislative and executive branches, defense prime contractors and tech start-ups, and U.S. allies and partners to holistically approach software capability development and integration with military hardware. Domino for Government: Secure & Governed Mission-Driven AI Domino's Enterprise AI and MLOps Platform helps government agencies integrate AI into their missions rapidly, safely, and cost-effectively. Domino makes it easy for federal agencies to build, deploy, and manage AI at scale, on a unified platform without risking their AI intellectual property. Agency data scientists, contractors, and collaborators can securely access on-demand compute infrastructure and their choice of commercial and open-source data, tools, models, and projects—across any on-prem, GovCloud, and hybrid/multi-cloud environments. With Domino, agencies can improve collaboration and governance while establishing AI standards and best practices that accelerate their missions. "The DoD needs to continue to accelerate the integration of artificial intelligence into its mission sets to more effectively deter, deny, and if necessary, defeat our nation's adversaries," said Brigadier General and Domino advisor Bobby Kinney. "Domino's open, API-driven architecture ensures flexibility and freedom for users while offering control and built-in governance for platform and security owners — a critical role in how the DoD and its allies and partners modernize in the scaling of much-needed AI tooling and infrastructure." About Domino Data Lab Domino Data Lab empowers the largest AI-driven enterprises to build and operate AI at scale. Domino's Enterprise AI platform unifies the flexibility AI teams want with the visibility and control the enterprise requires. Domino enables a repeatable and agile ML lifecycle for faster, responsible AI impact with lower costs. With Domino, global enterprises can develop better medicines, grow more productive crops, develop more competitive products, and more. Founded in 2013, Domino is backed by Sequoia Capital, Coatue Management, NVIDIA, Snowflake, and other leading investors.

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