As election looms, Louisiana lawmakers return for session

Only months away from a statewide election, Louisiana lawmakers open their annual legislative session Monday squabbling over finances, readying for repeat hot-topic debates and striving to draw their voters' attention. The 60-day regular session begins at noon. Gov. John Bel Edwards speaks to a joint gathering of the House and Senate an hour later. While the session features none of the fears of deep, damaging cuts that marked budget debates for the last decade, financial feuds remain front and center. The Democratic governor and House Republican leaders are at loggerheads about how much the state should spend in the budget year starting July 1. One thing that appears certain is whatever spending plan reaches the governor's desk will contain a teacher pay raise. Republicans and Democrats alike have expressed support for the $1,000 salary boost proposed by the governor, even if they disagree over details of how to allocate the money.



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