How the Civil War Created the Modern Economy

July 3, 2017

During the Civil War, more Americans died than in any other war the U.S. has ever been involved in. Funding the war also took a toll on the economy with the national debt rising 40 times over the pre-war levels. Congress was forced to pass historic laws and come up with new taxes to pay the cost of war and rebuild the country. These laws permanently changed the federal budget and U.S. economy.


Bridgend County Borough Council

Bridgend County Borough Council delivers a range of key services to approximately 139,000 people, making the county borough a place where people want to live, work and visit. With its Bristol Channel coastline and mix of urban and rural communities, the county borough lies at the geographical heart of South Wales. Its land area of 28,500 hectares stretches 20km from east to west and occupies the Llynfi, Garw and Ogmore valleys.

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UC and Collaboration in the Cloud: 4 Benefits for Local Government

Infographic | March 2, 2020

Local governments face the challenge of improving citizen interactions, collaborating better with colleagues and achieving greater efficiency, all whilst meeting the demands of shrinking budgets. But how exactly do you transform yourselves for the digital age and respond to these pressures at the same time? Adopting a cloud-hosted Unified Communications (UC) solution can help local government organisations meet the increasing expectations of the community that it serves whilst managing costs.

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Federal Government Learning Challenges

Infographic | January 13, 2020

Learning and development within the Federal government will continue to face numerous challenges over the next few years. The largest challenge stems from an aging Federal workforce. With the largest population shifting into retirement, there is a shortage of employees with adequate training to fill those positions. The skill gaps that remain, will be left to a workforce that is not accustomed to long tenures or the traditional way of learning. In order to compete with the private sector for talent, Federal agencies are evolving their training programs to address several factors including:

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Government Change Management to Improve Outcomes

Infographic | December 18, 2019

To better understand change management initiatives in government, Genesys partnered with GovLoop and surveyed 312 public sector employees. The following infographic explores the results of the survey and uncovers the effectiveness of a solid change management program.

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Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Infographic | March 9, 2020

Public sector initiatives are more often than not highly complex and carefully planned endeavors. And, to be fair, they have every reason to be. Millions of people depend on public services to make their lives better, and even a brief interruption can affect thousands of citizens.

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How Federal Governments Use Analytics to Digitally Transform Operations

Infographic | February 24, 2020

Federal governments face large-scale, complex challenges. Their agencies need comprehensive analytics solutions to improve operational e¬ciency, prevent fraud, and better engage their constituents.

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Election Security 2020: How to Protect Election Data and Voter Information

Infographic | February 11, 2020

Voters provide the foundation for the nation’s election system, not just in their actions, but in their names, addresses and Social Security numbers — information that is tempting bait for malicious actors who want to affect an election’s outcome. Secretaries of state and local boards of election attempt to protect their voter databases as closely as possible, even as they must keep that information accessible to temporary poll workers, election officials and state officials who need it to do their jobs.

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Bridgend County Borough Council

Bridgend County Borough Council delivers a range of key services to approximately 139,000 people, making the county borough a place where people want to live, work and visit. With its Bristol Channel coastline and mix of urban and rural communities, the county borough lies at the geographical heart of South Wales. Its land area of 28,500 hectares stretches 20km from east to west and occupies the Llynfi, Garw and Ogmore valleys.
