Walk away with insights and ideas on how a cloud-based CRM platform can transform municipality services which frequently function as the primary point of contact between government and the people and with them, the citizen-customer experience.
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This ondemand webinar will provide a fundamental overview of the federal government's expectations related to accounting for costs on contracts; and provide industry resources for more detailed background and assistance to ensure compliance. This ondemand webinar is geared for professionals in the area of accounting, compliance, finance, and program or contract management.
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Federal Fund Management Advisor
When the U.S. Office of Management and Budget rolled out its major federal grants reform initiative a couple years ago, it sought to consolidate and sensibly harmonize multiple sets of diverse administrative and cost requirements applicable to different kinds of award performers — colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, and state and local governments. The resulting “Super Circular” (2 CFR 200) largely achieved OMB’s objectives, except in the case of procedures for developing, presenting and negotiating rates for recovery of indirect costs.
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Newland Chase
An estimated 3.7 million people are citizens of other European Union countries and currently live and work in the United Kingdom – many calling the UK home for years. They work in virtually every private and public sector of the economy, pay taxes, buy and consume the goods sold by local shops, own and rent homes and businesses, educate their children in the local schools, and otherwise participate in British life alongside UK citizens.
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