Building a Connected Government with the Cloud

eSignLive™ is the electronic signature solution behind some of the world’s most trusted brands. Regulated industries and top analyst firms recognize eSignLive products and services for their ability to balance the highest levels of security and compliance with ease-of-use while automating any process – from the simplest, internal signing workflow to the most complex, customer-facing transactions.
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Right Data, Right Place, Right Time: Doing Hybrid Cloud the Right Way

Hybrid cloud benefits are well-known, which is why more state and local governments are leveraging these tools to create workflow efficiencies and enhance constituent experiences. But while hybrid cloud services have advantages, it isn’t a blanket solution. Organizations risk running into avoidable challenges without a data-driven strategy around how, when, and where to use hybrid cloud. By leveraging data to determine how the cloud should be used and where other options make more sense, governments can gain all the advantages of this technology without the common pain points.
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Future-proof Your State and Local Government Finance: 5 Key Trends for 2023

In the year ahead, state and local governments are investing in people and technology to increase internal productivity and implement systems that prioritize user experiences. To make this effort a reality, finance leaders must optimize their financial management strategies to increase resources, reduce costs, and expand their organization’s capacity to analyze data in a way that positively impacts customer response and satisfaction.
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U.S. State Data Protection Law Roundup for 2018


While the debate rages in Washington, D.C. as to what a federal data protection statute should look like, U.S. states have led the way advancing the privacy and security of the personal data of their respective residents. In fact, over the last 12 months, at least 10 states have promulgated such protections, and each has something unique to challenge data protection professionals.
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Federal Publications Seminars

Join us for this 60-minute presentation that will identify key issues and strategies to consider when offering and selling commercial and open source software (OSS) in the federal space, including: Advantages and potential pitfalls of offering an OSS product to the Government.
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