Building Local Government Support for Good Food

Local governments can be powerful partners for changing the food system. As the Good Food and local food movements continue to gain momentum and visibility, local officials are becoming more interested in how these initiatives can help their communities.
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Doing Business with the Federal Government

Tech Data Corporation

Join us for a free webinar about doing business with the federal government. The on demand training addressed key dos and don't with government contracts, and is designed to give attendees a basic knowledge of the complexities of federal procurement.
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Demystifying AI for State and Local Governments

Many state and local governments got their first practical experience with the technology during the pandemic as they turned to intelligent agents to cope with overwhelming public demand for information and services. Now, adoption of AI is increasing, with more than 50% of states and nearly 40% of cities and counties saying they’ll expand their use of AI and machine learning over the next 12 to 18 months.
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Marketing to the U.S. Government


Join us on Thursday, March 7th, and learn how to attract the largest buyer in the United States! Market research is conducted by the government to find qualified private sector businesses – stand out from the crowd by applying the knowledge from this webinar hosted by the Riverside Procurement Technical Assistance Center. Our Director, Julie Padilla will share her 10+ years of experience to help you to navigate the confusing landscape of procurement marketing.
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Workforce Compliance Reimagined: How Diversity and Inclusion Can Transform Gov


For the last decade, the Office of Personnel Management has crafted new guidance, with the goal of increasing diversity and inclusion in government. However, keeping in line with official policy has historically been an onerous and labor-intensive process for government human resources and training professionals. In fact, in a recent report, over 40 percent of HR folks said they spend nearly half their time managing HR compliance requirements.
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