Connected Compassion: How Counties are Using Data Integration to Weave a Stronger Social Safety Net

Connected Compassion: How Counties are Using Data Integration to Weave a Stronger Social Safety Net
Government agencies are hindered by more than just a lack of resources: Legacy systems and agency silos impede information sharing and coordinating services between departments. When an individual needs government service, going to one program or service office usually doesn't address all their needs.
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Australian Citizenship Practice Exams|Government and the law in Australia S1


Australian Citizenship Practice Exams Government and the law in Australia |Australian Government S1. Prepare for Australian Citizenship Test with this free handy app containing 600 questions to help you practice. Enjoy a collection of 500 notes across various topics for The Australian Citizenship Test exam preparation, arranged by Subjects, modules and chapters.
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Frictionless Permitting: Eliminating Chaos at the Front Counter

State and local transportation departments are where the rubber hits the road for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding. Planners, designers and engineers, and others will be tasked with creating a new generation of transportation infrastructure that’s smarter and more sustainable and that supports a wider range of mobility options than ever before.
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Securing Data by Moving to Cloud

Moving to the cloud is a vital part of becoming an agile, modern, digital organization. But cloud doesn’t just improve efficiencies and enable smarter hybrid work environments – it’s also a key part of improving data security. With the rise of ransomware and other cyber threats, state and local government agencies are working hard to strengthen their security and data protection strategies. Cloud platforms offer a higher level of security, cyber resilience and data protection than many on-premises systems – especially for agencies struggling with budget constraints and gaps in their IT workforce.
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The Protection of IP When Working in the Federal Government & Commercial Markets

Thompson Coburn LLP

The U.S. Government spends billions of dollars each and every year on acquiring supplies and services, including a wide array of technology solutions to satisfy its requirements. As a government contractor, you will want to protect your Company’s “Crown Jewels,” or valuable intellectual property, when working with the U.S. Government.
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