Small Business Center at Bladen Community College
Joe Tew with the NC Military Business Center will walk you through the basics on where how and when to engage with the government for contracting.
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In the year ahead, state and local governments are investing in people and technology to increase internal productivity and implement systems that prioritize user experiences. To make this effort a reality, finance leaders must optimize their financial management strategies to increase resources, reduce costs, and expand their organization’s capacity to analyze data in a way that positively impacts customer response and satisfaction.
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Bush Foundation
Government has extraordinary power to address our region’s most pressing problems. Without a government that is responsive and effective, it is difficult to make significant, sustainable positive change in any nation or community.
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Kingsley Napley LLP
In March 2016, the UK Government announced that it would make changes to the UK immigration rules. This followed on from the review undertaken by the Migration Advisory Committee (“MAC”). At the time, it was indicated that the intended changes would come into force in two tranches. The first tranche of changes was anticipated to come into force in the autumn of 2016, with the second tranche, to follow in or around April 2017.
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