LLG free Chief Executive update webinar provides an essential round-up of current issues in the local authority legal world. The webinar will look at what's going on in local government, legal reform, recent cases of interest, Brexit, news from the Local Government Association and the Local Government Ombudsman, thinking around policy including details of any Government consultations, plus an overview of what's in the press.
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State and local agencies are increasingly utilizing the cloud for business continuity, improved remote access and cost savings. But recent survey findings indicate public entities run into a number of challenges when adopting cloud solutions, with cost predictability and lack of skills for moving to the cloud being two of the biggest hurdles.
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Content fuels government processes and seamless collaboration is essential for good government. Government workforce must be able to share information easily and securely with citizens and other agencies. That’s why agencies need tools that safeguard sensitive data without slowing down work.
With one secure place to manage content, governments can easily manage everything from tax documents to service requests – protecting the flow of information, integrating into existing back-end systems, and ensuring collaboration and productivity
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New Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for calling and texting cell phones became effective in October 2013. With many U.S. companies still relying on telephone-based contact to reach customers, this on-demand webinar will focus on all the details you need to know about plan calling and texting programs to the ever-increasing volume of wireless numbers.
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