Cahoot Learning
An independent audit committee is a fundamental component of good corporate governance and this is no different in the Public Sector. The audit committee plays a key role in providing independent advice and assurance to the accountable authority to assist them in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities in a number of key areas. These may vary between State and Territory governments and the Australian Government but may include areas such as an entity's financial reporting, internal control systems, systems of risk oversight and risk management and performance reporting.
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For this popular annual event, the NASCIO and PTI executive directors came together to provide their perspectives and commentary on the information technology priorities, trends and issues that will be impacting state and local governments for the coming year.
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Amidst the changing tech landscape, data is and will remain one of the most valuable resources for the public sector. In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on IT modernization and digital transformation across government - from the President’s Management Agenda to the establishment of the IT Modernization Centers of Excellence. But transformation is only possible when an organization’s data is protected, shared, accessed, tapped, and applied effectively and efficiently.
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Thompson Information Services
Contracting with the U.S. government can be profitable. But it can also be risky. Winning and keeping federal contracts involves strict procedures, including specific wages and fringe benefits that you must offer employees and subcontractors. Plus, if a government client changes (or cancels) your contract, it’s critical to know your rights and how to exercise them.
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