While the debate rages in Washington, D.C. as to what a federal data protection statute should look like, U.S. states have led the way advancing the privacy and security of the personal data of their respective residents. In fact, over the last 12 months, at least 10 states have promulgated such protections, and each has something unique to challenge data protection professionals.
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As both public and private cloud continue to mature, many government agencies are leveraging multiple clouds to satisfy their diverse enterprise computing needs. This multi-cloud approach allows government agencies to choose the right cloud for each workload, be it a mission-critical core application such as enterprise resource planning, or cutting-edge cloud-native analytics apps.
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Central to today’s Modern Government is a focus on building resilience and transformation. As climate change is increasingly seen as a significant risk to the management of infrastructure and the delivery of services, it is also seen, by some, as an opportunity to invest in more sustainable assets. Leaders are starting to focus on developing strategies and prioritizing climate goals that will transform the way we live and work, honing in on emerging technologies and data-driven decisions to better navigate the approaching risks, while potentially realizing longer term benefits.
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Small Biz Matters
Small Biz Matters a half hour program each week where you can work ON your business rather than IN it.with Alexi Boyd from Boyd Office Management ServicesDate: 20 November 2018 When operating a small business in Australia we have to navigate local, state and federal legislation and compliance.
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