Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition
To help you navigate the rough seas of doing business with the federal government in the Trump administration, we have assembled nationally recognized practitioners who will cover topics relevant to government contractors across all industries.
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Now that America has hired a new president and congress, how will they influence total rewards public policy issues? Will president-elect Donald Trump keep the promises he made on the campaign trail? Who will the new key leaders be in the Trump Administration at the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other agencies charged with enforcing workplace regulations? And what will Congress prioritize in terms of workplace issues?
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Cahoot Learning
An independent audit committee is a fundamental component of good corporate governance and this is no different in the Public Sector. The audit committee plays a key role in providing independent advice and assurance to the accountable authority to assist them in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities in a number of key areas. These may vary between State and Territory governments and the Australian Government but may include areas such as an entity's financial reporting, internal control systems, systems of risk oversight and risk management and performance reporting.
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Cybersecurity is a complex and growing concern for federal, state and local governments. In their mission to serve the public, government agencies store and manage highly sensitive personal information, making them targets for cyber attacks. As more government offices shift their infrastructure to cloud-based tools, procurement teams need clear and efficient processes for vetting cloud service providers’ security standards.
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