Modernizing Government Payment Services For Today's Resident Expectations

Modernizing Government Payment Services For Today's Resident
When it comes to paying for government services, governments and residents want the same thing: payments made easy. Despite this common goal, providing a seamless experience to access and pay for a wide range of government services can still be challenging. Governments have to serve a spectrum of people with different payment preferences while navigating security and compliance requirements, staffing constraints and budget restrictions.
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Frictionless Permitting: Eliminating Chaos at the Front Counter

State and local transportation departments are where the rubber hits the road for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding. Planners, designers and engineers, and others will be tasked with creating a new generation of transportation infrastructure that’s smarter and more sustainable and that supports a wider range of mobility options than ever before.
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Intelligent Cloud Optimization in Government


According to Gartner, the Federal government views cloud as a long-term pathway to strategic IT modernization, whereas state and local governments tend to pursue the immediate tactical benefits of innovation and cost savings. Cloud hybridization has resulted in a more complex cost model, and state agencies are looking at ways to utilize machine intelligence to govern costs, manage usage, and stay within budget. This multi-cloud approach also requires tight control of compliance and security vulnerabilities.
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An introduction to government and environmental regulation in Australia for international students

The University of Queensland

This 53 minute lecture is aimed at international students studying planning and environmental courses at a university level in Australia. It provides a brief overview of the four levels of government: international; national/Australian; State/Territory; and local government.
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FiscalNote 2017: Mastering Uncertainty


With the 2016 election decided, the government affairs world is dealing with more uncertainty than ever before. As teams work to put together their strategy for 2017 and beyond, it is critical that they have not only all available data, but also context to make that data actionable, and tools that allow seamless collaboration for maximum efficiency.
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