The Final “Deeming Rule” – All Tobacco Products Subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

Provides an overview of the FDA’s regulatory authority over tobacco products. Includes examples of some of the newly regulated products subject to the FDA’s tobacco authority, additional restrictions for covered tobacco products, and the effective dates of the rule and compliance periods for certain provisions.
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ChatGPT Unleashed: The Game-Changing Future of Generative AI for State and Local Governments

ChatGPT Unleashed is a groundbreaking AI technology that has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with machines and automate complex tasks. Unlike traditional rule-based systems, generative AI like ChatGPT can learn and adapt to new situations, making it an ideal solution for state and local government agencies with unique and evolving needs.
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A New Political Reality: President-Elect Trump & Public Policy Issues — What Should You Expect?


Now that America has hired a new president and congress, how will they influence total rewards public policy issues? Will president-elect Donald Trump keep the promises he made on the campaign trail? Who will the new key leaders be in the Trump Administration at the Department of Labor, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and other agencies charged with enforcing workplace regulations? And what will Congress prioritize in terms of workplace issues?
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Going Digital: Evaluating the Government’s Transformation Strategy

Bloomberg Government

For over a decade and across multiple presidential administrations, it’s been the government’s goal to offer U.S. citizens and residents digital services that are on par with what they expect from the private sector. Thanks to government reforms and investments in IT modernization, agencies have never been closer to achieving that goal than they are today.
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The Climate Crisis Is a Water Crisis: The Role of Collective Government Action in Addressing Water Crises

The climate crisis, at its core, is a water crisis. Water and carbon directly impact one another. As a result, climate impacts are most often experienced as water crises – floods, storms, droughts, etc. There is a tremendous need for collective government action to solve our shared water challenges. For governments to make equitable and smart decisions addressing the water crisis, they need access to clear, actionable water data – the best decisions are made using the best data.
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