The New Logic of Hybrid Work in Government

The New ondemand
It’s clear that hybrid work is here to stay for many state and local government organizations. But to thrive in this new environment, governments will have to address the elephant in the room: outdated and cumbersome technology.

Inadequate technology doesn’t just make it harder to maintain a hybrid office; it creates significant challenges to maintaining a sense of shared culture and belonging – a vital part of managing a distributed workforce.
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Draft 2015-16 Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting

Office of Local Government

This Webinar is made available to the NSW local government sector and key stakeholders. It provides local government with an insight on the proposed changes to the Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting Guidelines for the 2016-16 financial year.
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Diving Deep on Data Governance in Local Government

Mid-sized local governments report that staff shortages and a lack of data literacy are their biggest challenges when it comes to data governance. This is just one takeaway from a recent Center for Digital Government survey looking at data governance policies, tools, and challenges in mid-sized cities and counties.
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Get Recognition for Reshaping Your Government Experience!

The Center for Digital Government’s (CDG) Government Experience Awards are designed to recognize innovative projects and overall experiences for government agencies of all sizes across the country! We will capture results of constituent-first achievements and recognize the most innovative experiences. On this webcast, e.Republic’s Chief Innovation Officer Dustin Haisler, along with Senior Vice President Teri Takai and Surveys and Awards Director Janet Grenslitt, will explore the latest government experience trends – and walk you through the 2023 Government Experience Awards nomination process.
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The Climate Crisis Is a Water Crisis: The Role of Collective Government Action in Addressing Water Crises

The climate crisis, at its core, is a water crisis. Water and carbon directly impact one another. As a result, climate impacts are most often experienced as water crises – floods, storms, droughts, etc. There is a tremendous need for collective government action to solve our shared water challenges. For governments to make equitable and smart decisions addressing the water crisis, they need access to clear, actionable water data – the best decisions are made using the best data.
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