Emerging & Disruptive Technology for Defense

Emerging & disruptive Conference
The Emerging & Disruptive Technologies (EDT) for Defense Conference is the inaugural event for military decision-makers, leading industry, academia, and non-traditional defense companies, who are transforming joint capabilities and facilitating the integration of disruptive technologies in the defense enterprise. The conference will focus on modernization priorities and cutting-edge technologies, which will enable JADC2 architecture, expanded maneuver, and information advantage.



Achieving Transformative Cooperation for National Defense Forum

March 14, 2024 | USA

Join us at the Achieving Transformative Cooperation for National Defense Forum, where top military leaders, defense experts and policymakers will come together to explore the future of Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) and its impact on international security. This event will focus on achieving seamless sensor-to-shooter connectivity on the battlefield by emphasizing combined interoperability with global partners. Speakers will discuss the United States’ strategic approach, how to promote resilience and what’s being done to address intensifying global competition.

10th Annual Defense R&D Summit

January 31, 2024 | USA

In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, speed, innovation, technology and capability are all key to achieving dominance and projecting power on the world stage. The foremost defense leaders, researchers, experts and decision makers convene to discuss the latest developments in cutting-edge technology for the U.S. military at the Potomac Officers Club’s 10th Annual Defense Research and Development Summit. Our distinguished speakers will discuss topics such as bridging the valley of death, winning the great power competition, navigating the virtual battlespace, securing the innovation advantage, intelligent NetOps and deploying AI to unlock R&D potential during our tenth installment of one of the largest and most comprehensive GovCon defense summits of the year!

Space Mobility Conference 2024

January 30, 2024 | USA

Space Mobility is an important component of Space Systems Command’s efforts to bridge the gap between military buyers and new space companies. Commercial innovation is outpacing the demand signal from government, and we need to identify and secure the technologies that will fulfil our modern-day warfare needs. SpaceCom has built a well-established, international constituency and has become the influential force for connecting government agencies with commercial experts. By partnering with SpaceCom, Space Mobility can access this target-rich, pre-developed community.

5th Annual Artificial Intelligence Summit

March 21, 2024 | USA

The White House's AI Executive Order issued in October 2023 lays the groundwork for exponential AI growth in the federal sector after a year of particularly rapid development for the emerging technology. As the public sector meaningfully moves forward into an AI-enabled future, government leaders are working to harness the groundbreaking potential and innovation AI has to offer. Join the Potomac Officers Club’s 5th Annual AI Summit, where federal leaders and industry experts converge to explore the transformative power of artificial intelligence. Discover cutting-edge AI advancements, engage in dynamic discussions and forge strategic collaborations with key partners at this annual gathering of the movers and shakers in the field of AI. AI leaders from CIA, DARPA, CDAO, OUSD (R&E), DHS and NGA are slated to keynote this must-attend AI event. Join us on March 21 to meet, learn from and network with the AI experts and leaders of tomorrow.

