Emerging Technology, Cybersecurity

Skyhigh Security Completes IRAP Assessment for SSE Portfolio to PROTECTED Level

Skyhigh Security Completes IRAP Assessment for SSE Portfolio to PROTECTED Level

Skyhigh Security, a cloud-native security solutions provider, recently announced its Skyhigh Security Edge (SSE) portfolio completed the Australian Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) assessment to the PROTECTED security classification level. Skyhigh Security's momentum in the federal government is continued with new assessments following its previous completed assessment in 2020, where Skyhigh Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) has been evaluated as PROTECTED. The IRAP assessment assures public sector organizations that Skyhigh Security's robust suite of data-aware cloud security technology is equipped with adequate security controls to manage highly sensitive data and the infrastructures of Australian government agencies.

The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) led initiative IRAP provides high-quality information and communications technology (ICT) security assessment services to the Australian federal government. The IRAP assessment procedure is documented in the Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM), which offers cybersecurity guidance and standards to protect vital information and systems of Australian government organizations. In addition, Skyhigh SSE has the appropriate controls in place to meet the security objectives defined by the Australian Cybersecurity Centre's (ACSC) Cloud Security Assessment and Authorisation Framework.

Skyhigh Security benefited from IRAP in the Australian marketplace by demonstrating the company's commitment to security and a readiness to undergo independent assessments of its data-aware SSE technology. This assessment lets government agencies develop digital transformation initiatives and deliver improved citizen outcomes with confidence, utilizing powerful cloud capabilities delivered from Australian data centers. The Skyhigh SSE portfolio has also been evaluated by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). This U.S. government program evaluates cloud security vendors using a standardized security framework for cloud products and services.

About Skyhigh Security

Skyhigh Security, headquartered in San Jose, California, is a leading provider of cloud-native security solutions that are user-friendly and data-conscious. Skyhigh Security's cloud-native security solutions are designed to meet the evolving needs of modern organizations, ensuring that they are always protected against the latest threats. The company's expert security professionals work closely with clients to understand their unique requirements and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific needs, helping them stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing threat landscape. In addition, with its innovative Security Service Edge (SSE) Portfolio, Skyhigh Security offers comprehensive security services that extend beyond data access and prioritize secure data utilization.


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