An Agenda for American Immigration Reform

February 20, 2019

Despite a protracted debate on immigration and border security that has lasted more than a decade, Congress has failed to address these issues in a manner that will keep America free, safe, and prosperous. This must end. The role of Congress is critical in crafting a proper path forward. Congress must address the full range of issues but take a step-by-step approach.


The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany) is a private, non-profit, bilateral economic organization that represents the interests of its 3,000 American and German members.

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Repurposing Government Spectrum for Licensed Commercial Use: A Win-Win for Wireless Providers and Federal Agencies

whitePaper | August 11, 2020

The federal government is the United States’ largest spectrum user. This is no surprise given the multitude of federal missions, from defending the nation to air traffic control to everyday agency communications. Federal communications systems, however, often rely on decades-old wireless technologies, have limited capabilities, and are less spectrally efficient.

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Council Of Economic Advisers & Office Of Management And Budget

whitePaper | March 13, 2023

The intensifying impacts of climate change create challenges for the environment, public health, and the economy. President Biden set an ambitious target for the United States to achieve a 50-52 percent reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions1 from 2005 levels by 2030, and is mobilizing a whole-of-government approach to climate action, capitalizing on major legislative achievements, through policies in the 2024 fiscal year budget that hasten and smooth the transition to a net-zero economy.

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The Ultimate Guide to Government CX

whitePaper | December 26, 2019

Transforming the way governments serve the public is about more than choosing the right technologies. This level of change requires agencies to rethink how they engage their customers — from citizens and external partners to the frontline employees assisting the public.

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Digital Trust

whitePaper | November 1, 2022

Digitalisation offers new approaches to trust. Competitors who do not see eye-to-eye can still transact efficiently because technologies such as privacy-enhancing technologies, distributed ledgers (also called shared ledgers), coupled with good governance in processes now enable these interactions even without parties knowing who they transact with.

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Four ways governments can get the most out of their infrastructure projects

whitePaper | January 7, 2020

Infrastructure—for example, transportation, power, water, and telecom systems—underpins economic activity and catalyzes growth and development. The world spends more than $2.5 trillion a year on infrastructure, but $3.7 trillion a year will be needed through 2035 just to keep pace with projected GDP growth.1 National, state, and local governments are devoting increased amounts of capital to meet these needs, and for good reason. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that infrastructure has a socioeconomic rate of return around 20 percent.2 In other words, $1 of infrastructure investment can raise GDP by 20 cents in the long run.

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A unified approach to adaptive data and analytics governance

whitePaper | June 13, 2022

Adaptive data and analytics governance enables organizations to manage and organize their data, while also creating processes to maximize collaboration and produce insightful business-driven outcomes. With a world-class adaptive data and analytics governance solution, you can build a truly data intelligent company.

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The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Germany e.V. (AmCham Germany) is a private, non-profit, bilateral economic organization that represents the interests of its 3,000 American and German members.
