Cybersecurity Modernization - Transform Government While Controlling Business Risk

December 17, 2019

Moving systems to the cloud, introducing mobile devices into the workforce, investing in smart city projects and undergoing other modernization efforts can introduce risk if agencies can't sufficiently protect their data. According to a recent survey, 92 percent of government respondents will use sensitive data in an advanced technology within the year, yet 96 percent consider themselves "vulnerable."


Massachusetts State College Building Authority

The Massachusetts State College Building Authority is a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth charged with financing, designing, constructing, and overseeing the management of revenue-funded facilities - housing, dining, athletic, parking, and other student activity facilities - for the nine state universities. Recent amendments to the enabling legislation expand the mission of the Authority to include the fifteen community colleges. Another recent change to the legislation enables the Authority to finance certain academic facility projects located at the state universities and community colleges.

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Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2021

whitePaper | November 3, 2021

The Department of Defense (DoD) annual report to Congress on military and security developments involving the People’s Republic of China (PRC) provides a baseline assessment of the Department’s pacing challenge. The PRC has long viewed the United States as a competitor and has characterized its view of strategic competition in terms of a rivalry among powerful nation states, as well as a clash of opposing systems. As expressed in the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, the PRC is the only competitor capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system. The PRC is increasingly clear in its ambitions and intentions.

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whitePaper | July 18, 2022

The world is more peaceful, safe, and prosperous when the human rights of women are respected and they can fully participate in economic, social, and political life. But we know the enduring challenges of fulfilling that promise. A defining competition between democracies and autocracies. The COVID-19 pandemic. The climate crisis. Mass migration and displacement. The denial of education and sexual violence against women and girls across the world. No matter what global crisis unfolds—women and girls are disproportionately impacted, and that makes the world less stable.

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A guide to Zero Trust for government

whitePaper | November 21, 2022

Cyber attacks and data breaches are at the forefront of the national agenda - and the issue isn’t going away. These types of attacks aren’t necessarily new, however the exponential increase in data combined with data ubiquity, the massive increase in Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, and the shift to remote work have expanded our attack surface, while also shifting the network load to the perimeterless internet.

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Government Cloud Plus Security Whitepaper

whitePaper | June 16, 2020

Federal, state, and local government organizations, along with government contractors, trust Salesforce to deliver critical business applications, in large part because of Salesforce’s commitment to security and privacy

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The State of Ransomware in State and Local Government 2022

whitePaper | September 19, 2022

Sophos' annual study of the real-world ransomware experiences of IT professionals in the state and local government sector has revealed an ever more challenging attack environment. Together with the growing financial and operational burden ransomware places on its victims, it also shines new light on the relationship between ransomware and cyber insurance - including how insurance drives changes to cyber defenses.

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How the Need for Contactless Government

whitePaper | December 29, 2021

Digital and mobile technology have played a significant role in keeping communities connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. From broken streetlights to damaging potholes, residents quickly adopted the virtual front door model to safely submit questions, photos, issues, and concerns through contactless methods.

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Massachusetts State College Building Authority

The Massachusetts State College Building Authority is a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth charged with financing, designing, constructing, and overseeing the management of revenue-funded facilities - housing, dining, athletic, parking, and other student activity facilities - for the nine state universities. Recent amendments to the enabling legislation expand the mission of the Authority to include the fifteen community colleges. Another recent change to the legislation enables the Authority to finance certain academic facility projects located at the state universities and community colleges.
