Electronic Health Records - Industry Survey Results

The Act should move the effort forward however I am concerned that the lack of focus on a tangible way ahead will result in ARRA money spent with marginal forward progress and follow on money either not available, diminished or significantly reduced with a majority of the effort left to do. Leadership from the HHS, DoD and VA for interoperability and an infrastructure that the other agencies, public and private healthcare providers can direct their efforts to is critical to the success of the transformation of US healthcare and realization of the benefits of automation in healthcare.


City of Temecula

The City of Temecula is a dynamic community comprised of approximately 109,064 citizens. The City maintains 40 parks on 314 developed acres throughout the community, which provide recreation opportunities for both the citizens of Temecula, as well as surrounding communities. Police and Fire protection are provided through a contract with Riverside County.

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Cybersecurity Modernization - Transform Government While Controlling Business Risk

whitePaper | December 17, 2019

Moving systems to the cloud, introducing mobile devices into the workforce, investing in smart city projects and undergoing other modernization efforts can introduce risk if agencies can't sufficiently protect their data. According to a recent survey, 92 percent of government respondents will use sensitive data in an advanced technology within the year, yet 96 percent consider themselves "vulnerable."

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Government Requests for Cloud Customer Data

whitePaper | February 12, 2022

At Google, we know that transparency plays a critical role in earning and maintaining customer trust. That is why Google Cloud has taken steps to develop industry-leading product capabilities that enhance the control that our customers have over their data, and that give customers visibility into when and how their data is accessed. We think it is important to be clear at the outset about where we stand: our customers own their data and have the right to control access to it. Like other technology and communication companies, Google receives requests from governments and courts around the world for customer information, including requests for Google Cloud customer information. Google Cloud has developed a transparent, fair, and thorough process that meets international best practices when it comes to data access requests from law enforcement agencies and governments. Google provides a response on a case-by-case basis, taking into account different circumstances and informed by legal requirements, customer agreements, and privacy policies. We are committed to protecting privacy while also complying with applicable laws.

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Recommendations on Updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan

whitePaper | March 16, 2022

A long-term commitment to sustained federal research and development (R&D) funding in AI is critical to advance the United States’ leadership in global innovation. The federal government should increase non-defense investment in AI and basic research to strengthen research in critical fields of AI R&D, including healthcare, education, finance, and more, that underpin economic stability and robust growth. Such investment should reflect a multidisciplinary approach, focused on advancing basic and applied R&D, research on AI governance and norm-setting, and supporting research infrastructure with multi-agency collaboration.

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whitePaper | October 4, 2022

The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People was published by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in October 2022. This framework was released one year after OSTP announced the launch of a process to develop “a bill of rights for an AI-powered world.” Its release follows a year of public engagement to inform this initiative.

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Four ways governments can get the most out of their infrastructure projects

whitePaper | January 7, 2020

Infrastructure—for example, transportation, power, water, and telecom systems—underpins economic activity and catalyzes growth and development. The world spends more than $2.5 trillion a year on infrastructure, but $3.7 trillion a year will be needed through 2035 just to keep pace with projected GDP growth.1 National, state, and local governments are devoting increased amounts of capital to meet these needs, and for good reason. The McKinsey Global Institute estimates that infrastructure has a socioeconomic rate of return around 20 percent.2 In other words, $1 of infrastructure investment can raise GDP by 20 cents in the long run.

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Beyond the VPN: Zero Trust Access for a Federal Hybrid Work Environment

whitePaper | February 27, 2023

The virtual private network (VPN) has been a powerful tool in the network security administrator’s toolbox for decades, because it has provided a means for remote computers to communicate securely across an untrusted network such as the internet. Whether for branch offices communicating with headquarters (siteto-site), or an employee working from home (remote access), the VPN provided a secure point-to-point tunnel back to resources on protected networks.

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City of Temecula

The City of Temecula is a dynamic community comprised of approximately 109,064 citizens. The City maintains 40 parks on 314 developed acres throughout the community, which provide recreation opportunities for both the citizens of Temecula, as well as surrounding communities. Police and Fire protection are provided through a contract with Riverside County.
