How Climate Change Web Content is Being Censored Under the Trump Administration

January 9, 2018

EDGI’s website monitoring working group monitors changes to tens of thousands of federal web pages that relate to the environment, climate, and energy. In the first year of the Trump administration, we have observed alterations to many federal agency Web resources about climate change. Although there is no evidence of any removals of climate data, we have documented overhauls and removals of documents, web pages, and entire websites, as well as significant language shifts.


City of Alvin

The City of Alvin is a municipal government located in northeast Brazoria County situated along the Texas Gulf Coast region in the United States. Alvin is approximately 25 miles southeast of Houston.

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whitePaper | June 30, 2020

There’s no arguing that preventing failures and accidents is critical for industry. Unexpected incidents can grind operations to a halt for extended periods of time and necessitate expensive repairs. For example, just 12 hours of downtime for an oil production platform could cost six to eight million dollars in lost production opportunity alone. A single day of grounding for a plane costs roughly four to five million dollars. Because of these disruptions, industrial sectors are always on the lookout for newer, better maintenance methods, and the approach on everyone’s lips right now is predictive maintenance.

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Core Security Principles for Edge Computing in Government

whitePaper | June 27, 2022

As government agencies become digitally transformed, they are incorporating more edge technology into their operations to help improve application performance and meet mission outcomes. An IDC survey indicates that 37% of U.S. federal agency decision makers have workloads deployed at the edge and 50% have firm plans to deploy workloads at the edge within this year. Edge is fast becoming the new frontier of innovation and responsiveness, making edge data management, processing, and protection central to any agency's digital processes and customer engagements.

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Qlik’s Data Integration Platform for Federal Agencies

whitePaper | March 15, 2023

How Federal Agencies leverage data for decision making is changing. Historical transaction reporting and static batch data analyses are giving way to predictive data science, streaming analytics, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). Agencies are embracing these new paradigms for more informed, real-time decisions to impact business, operations, and agency performance.

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U.S. Trade in Services: Trends and Policy Issues

whitePaper | January 22, 2020

Trade in “services” refers to a wide and growing range of economic activities. These activities include transport, tourism, financial services, use of intellectual property, telecommunications and information services, government services, maintenance, and other professional services from accounting to legal services. Compared to goods, the types and volume of services that can be traded are limited by factors such as the requirement for direct buyer-provider contact, and other unique characteristics such as the reusability of services (e.g., professional consulting) for which traditional value measures do not account. In addition to services as independent exports, manufactured and agricultural products incorporate and depend on services, such as research and development or shipping of intermediate or final goods. As services account for 71% of U.S. employment, U.S. trade in services, both services as exports and as inputs to other exported products, can have a broad impact across the U.S. economy.

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Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century Organization Design Principles and Recommendations

whitePaper | January 21, 2020

When America’s Founders wrote the Constitution, they laid out a clear vision for the United States Government: to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Moreover, they established Executive Branch organizations and structures to deliver on the Federal mission in ways appropriate to America’s needs at the time. Over successive generations, our Federal Government has evolved by expanding in scope and complexity to try to meet Americans’ needs. However, the organizational structures that underpin the Executive Branch have not always kept pace.

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whitePaper | August 15, 2022

Cyberattacks are conducted via cyberspace and target an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling a computing environment or infrastructure; or destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled information.1 Recent cyberattacks such as those executed against SolarWinds and its customers, and exploits that take advantage of vulnerabilities such as Log4j, highlight weaknesses within software supply chains, an issue which spans both commercial and open source software and impacts both private and Government enterprises. Accordingly, there is an increased need for software supply chain security awareness and cognizance regarding the potential for software supply chains to be weaponized by nation state adversaries using similar tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

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City of Alvin

The City of Alvin is a municipal government located in northeast Brazoria County situated along the Texas Gulf Coast region in the United States. Alvin is approximately 25 miles southeast of Houston.
