Emerging Technology, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity

IT Modernization

January 28, 2022

IT Modernization
Goals and processes for improving existing technology infrastructure and avoiding the risks associated with outdated systems: a roadmap for IT Modernization within the Federal Government


OPEXUS (formerly AINS)

OPEXUS, formerly known as AINS, drives operational excellence in government with our suite of government process management software.

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Recommendations on Updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan

whitePaper | March 16, 2022

A long-term commitment to sustained federal research and development (R&D) funding in AI is critical to advance the United States’ leadership in global innovation. The federal government should increase non-defense investment in AI and basic research to strengthen research in critical fields of AI R&D, including healthcare, education, finance, and more, that underpin economic stability and robust growth. Such investment should reflect a multidisciplinary approach, focused on advancing basic and applied R&D, research on AI governance and norm-setting, and supporting research infrastructure with multi-agency collaboration.

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whitePaper | July 4, 2022

Keeping a racecar running at peak performance for 24 hours straight is no easy feat. Every aspect of design, engineering, strategy, and performance is pushed to the limit. The process of finishing a race involves hundreds of team members working together round th

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Sustaining and Scaling Civic and Government Technology: A White Paper on Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations

whitePaper | March 17, 2023

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is one of the world’s leading international democracy development organizations. The nonpartisan, nongovernmental institute has supported civil society organizations, journalists, democratic governments and other democratic actors in more than 100 countries since 1983—in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa—with a current presence in over 70 and working in over 100. Through its global support network to advance digital democracy initiatives, IRI provides capacity building trainings to strengthen grassroots actors’ ability to launch, sustain and scale digital democracy projects; and supports civictech and govtech projects around the world.

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whitePaper | June 10, 2022

The public sector is feeling the squeeze between an increase in cyber attacks and a lack of increased resources to keep up. In a recent survey conducted on behalf of SolarWinds, public sector respondents reported increased concern over ransomware, malware and phishing the most over the previous year, but time to detection and resolution had not improved for the majority.1 To bolster application security, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a memorandum directing agencies to identify critical software and implement the latest protections outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Another OMB memorandum presented a federal zero trust architecture (ZTA) strategy that requires agencies to meet specific cybersecurity standards and objectives by the end of FY2024.

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A digital workplace enables next-generation public service experiences

whitePaper | May 15, 2022

Long before the pandemic created a worldwide retreat from physical workplaces, governments around the world recognised the need to undertake a digital transformation of some kind. Many governments had started to build transformation strategies that would support the gradual adoption of digital technologies to improve efficiency, increase productivity and enable better resource management. The main goal behind these strategies was to create the next generation digital infrastructure that would improve the delivery of services to citizens, from personalised administrative services to tailored health services, safer care for all and customised education. Some governments had started the transformation process. Then the pandemic changed everything. Almost overnight, governments were forced into a new reality that didn’t fit with mid- and long-term digital transformation objectives. Shutdowns changed the world from a largely in-person experience to a virtual experience for government workers and citizens. Government workforces had to quickly move entirely to remote working and governments had to adapt to find new ways to deliver services to citizens. Luckily, the availability of digital tools made the shift possible. So, while the pandemic continued to impact society, governments at all levels were able to shift operations and service delivery online.

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U.S. Trade in Services: Trends and Policy Issues

whitePaper | January 22, 2020

Trade in “services” refers to a wide and growing range of economic activities. These activities include transport, tourism, financial services, use of intellectual property, telecommunications and information services, government services, maintenance, and other professional services from accounting to legal services. Compared to goods, the types and volume of services that can be traded are limited by factors such as the requirement for direct buyer-provider contact, and other unique characteristics such as the reusability of services (e.g., professional consulting) for which traditional value measures do not account. In addition to services as independent exports, manufactured and agricultural products incorporate and depend on services, such as research and development or shipping of intermediate or final goods. As services account for 71% of U.S. employment, U.S. trade in services, both services as exports and as inputs to other exported products, can have a broad impact across the U.S. economy.

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OPEXUS (formerly AINS)

OPEXUS, formerly known as AINS, drives operational excellence in government with our suite of government process management software.
