Legislative Background Brief for the Economic Affairs Interim Committee

July 11, 2014

What started as a subcommittee of the 2013-2014 Economic Affairs Interim Committee to look into Montana's 12-day "sell-by" milk rule evolved after one subcommittee meeting to a white paper overview of how Montana regulates milk sales now and how regulation occurred in the past. However, this white paper is not a study of the milk industry in Montana. Rather, the paper builds on a staff document provided to the subcommittee in March 2014--entitled "Review of Other States' Milk Policies and Other Background Information for Discussion of Montana's 12- Day Sell-By Rule"--and includes the following additional information: what Idaho and Wyoming require in terms of milk sell-by or use-by labeling. Neither has anything in statute requiring a sell-by or use-by date on Grade A milk, which means by default that any date on the packages is put there by the processor.some history on milk price controls, which were dropped from retail, wholesale, and jobber (distribution) sales in 1995.


Provincie Overijssel

Provincie Overijssel profileert zich als een daadkrachtig middenbestuur, is ondernemend, toont ambitie en lef, steekt zijn nek uit en investeert in grote, innovatieve en creatieve projecten.

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How Do Sovereign Wealth Funds Invest? With Strategic Diversification

whitePaper | April 30, 2022

Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) remain a prominent and diverse group of global asset owners. They represent unencumbered fiscal resources of the host governments, invested under a range of different mandates. In this study, we considered 34 of the largest SWFs, located in 26 different jurisdictions, which as of year-end 2020, have total assets of almost $8.5 trillion, representing 5% of total global markets.2 Between 2018 and 2020, total SWF assets under management (AUM) grew by an annualized 11.3%, as compared to 5.5% over the previous time period (Figure 1). We find that the acceleration in AUM growth is largely a function of market gains due to the post-2018 drawdown in equities. However, we estimate that organic inflows into global SWF holdings are roughly in line with the mid-single digits during the 2014–2018 time period.

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The Impact of the Trump Labor Market on Historically Disadvantaged Americans

whitePaper | December 19, 2019

The U.S. labor market is the strongest it has been in the last half century, as shown by economic data across various metrics. This is partly attributable to President Trump’s progrowth economic policies, the results of which are disproportionately benefiting Americans who were previously left behind. The Administration’s policies are boosting labor demand and lowering structural barriers to entering the labor market. This report provides evidence that this labor market has contributed to reduced inequality through an economic boom that is greatly benefiting historically disadvantaged groups. These groups are becoming more and more self-reliant through their economic activity, rather than remaining inactive in the labor market to qualify for means-tested government programs.

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The California DMV's Digital Leap Forward - Accelerating Government Digital Transformation through Automation

whitePaper | May 26, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed how government operates and delivers services to constituents. In the spring of 2020, government found itself with a remote workforce, closed field offices, mounting backlogs, outdated manual processes and increasingly strained legacy IT solutions. The impact of the pandemic revealed a divide between legacy and cutting-edge technology solutions, amplifying a critical need to accelerate digital transformation in government.

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Customer Chronicles — Securing State and Local Government Agencies with Strong MFA

whitePaper | February 3, 2020

Protecting sensitive data and maintaining cybersecurity hygiene are top concerns for security professionals and CISOs from state and local government agencies. Government networks contain sensitive data such as social security numbers, voter registration, medical records, bank account and credit card numbers of millions of people and businesses, which can make them an attractive target for bad actors. With the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks and the lack of resources at their disposal, the IT departments across these agencies are looking for a solution that enables them to do more with less. We built Duo to be a simple, affordable and secure solution to help government agencies – and organizations of all sizes – solve to these problems.

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Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2021

whitePaper | November 3, 2021

The Department of Defense (DoD) annual report to Congress on military and security developments involving the People’s Republic of China (PRC) provides a baseline assessment of the Department’s pacing challenge. The PRC has long viewed the United States as a competitor and has characterized its view of strategic competition in terms of a rivalry among powerful nation states, as well as a clash of opposing systems. As expressed in the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, the PRC is the only competitor capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system. The PRC is increasingly clear in its ambitions and intentions.

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A Leadership Guide to Multi-Cloud Success for Federal Agencies

whitePaper | August 11, 2022

Organizations in the public sector are moving from a single-cloud community to a multicloud one. Examples of this have already been seen in the intelligence community and Department of Defense space with the introduction of the Commercial Cloud Enterprise (C2E) and Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability (JWCC) contracts. These are just two examples of the massive shift that is occurring across the entire public sector as it modernizes to integrate multiple cloud providers. Leadership needs to plan for the impact this will have on the way programs are staffed and the way systems are engineered and tested. Successful multi-cloud adoption requires thoughtful, purposeful action. A broader availability of cloud service providers (CSPs) means that federal organizations must become smarter and more discerning cloud customers

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Provincie Overijssel

Provincie Overijssel profileert zich als een daadkrachtig middenbestuur, is ondernemend, toont ambitie en lef, steekt zijn nek uit en investeert in grote, innovatieve en creatieve projecten.
