Government IT is undergoing a fundamental transformation in how it operates, engages and serves citizens. There’s growing pressure on state and local CIOs at every level to use technology to deliver faster and better services, while also finding new efficiencies through automation and improved decision-making.


US Army

The U.S. Army’s mission is to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders...

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Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century Organization Design Principles and Recommendations

whitePaper | January 21, 2020

When America’s Founders wrote the Constitution, they laid out a clear vision for the United States Government: to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. Moreover, they established Executive Branch organizations and structures to deliver on the Federal mission in ways appropriate to America’s needs at the time. Over successive generations, our Federal Government has evolved by expanding in scope and complexity to try to meet Americans’ needs. However, the organizational structures that underpin the Executive Branch have not always kept pace.

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whitePaper | November 21, 2022

Why Data Governance is on Everybody’s Mind Data governance is a hot topic. Its rising popularity is fueled by: Exploding data growth, Headlines on major data breaches, Expanding privacy regulations, Consumer & organizational concerns, New types of extrinsic security threats, and an overall trend of Market growth

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The Impact of the Trump Labor Market on Historically Disadvantaged Americans

whitePaper | December 19, 2019

The U.S. labor market is the strongest it has been in the last half century, as shown by economic data across various metrics. This is partly attributable to President Trump’s progrowth economic policies, the results of which are disproportionately benefiting Americans who were previously left behind. The Administration’s policies are boosting labor demand and lowering structural barriers to entering the labor market. This report provides evidence that this labor market has contributed to reduced inequality through an economic boom that is greatly benefiting historically disadvantaged groups. These groups are becoming more and more self-reliant through their economic activity, rather than remaining inactive in the labor market to qualify for means-tested government programs.

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whitePaper | August 15, 2022

Cyberattacks are conducted via cyberspace and target an enterprise’s use of cyberspace for the purpose of disrupting, disabling, destroying, or maliciously controlling a computing environment or infrastructure; or destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled information.1 Recent cyberattacks such as those executed against SolarWinds and its customers, and exploits that take advantage of vulnerabilities such as Log4j, highlight weaknesses within software supply chains, an issue which spans both commercial and open source software and impacts both private and Government enterprises. Accordingly, there is an increased need for software supply chain security awareness and cognizance regarding the potential for software supply chains to be weaponized by nation state adversaries using similar tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

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whitePaper | January 17, 2023

Digital modernization refers to the process of utilizing technology, whether through adoption of new tools or the improvement of existing ones, to achieve organizational goals. This can include enhancing the user experience, ensuring high uptime, implementing robust security measures, reducing latency, and streamlining processes for resolving issues. All levels of government are going through a digital transformation to deliver services and programs more effectively,transparently, and economically.To meet the demands of citizens who have adapted to the technological advancements in society, digital government transformation has become a vital aspect of providing efficient and effective services. However, one of the biggest hurdles in this process for federal agencies is striking a balance between leveraging technology for its benefits and maintaining robust security and privacy measures. Federal agencies handle confidential information regularly, making it imperative to safeguard against data breaches. Consequently, agencies must ensure that their digital systems and procedures are secure and adhere to relevant regulatory requirements.

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A digital workplace enables next-generation public service experiences

whitePaper | May 15, 2022

Long before the pandemic created a worldwide retreat from physical workplaces, governments around the world recognised the need to undertake a digital transformation of some kind. Many governments had started to build transformation strategies that would support the gradual adoption of digital technologies to improve efficiency, increase productivity and enable better resource management. The main goal behind these strategies was to create the next generation digital infrastructure that would improve the delivery of services to citizens, from personalised administrative services to tailored health services, safer care for all and customised education. Some governments had started the transformation process. Then the pandemic changed everything. Almost overnight, governments were forced into a new reality that didn’t fit with mid- and long-term digital transformation objectives. Shutdowns changed the world from a largely in-person experience to a virtual experience for government workers and citizens. Government workforces had to quickly move entirely to remote working and governments had to adapt to find new ways to deliver services to citizens. Luckily, the availability of digital tools made the shift possible. So, while the pandemic continued to impact society, governments at all levels were able to shift operations and service delivery online.

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US Army

The U.S. Army’s mission is to fight and win our Nation’s wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders...
