Social media enables government agencies from local to national to better inform and engage with communities. However, there are unique challenges government agencies will need to overcome in 2019. For example, 20 of the 28 markets in the Edelman Trust Barometer lie in distruster territory meaning governments around the world have a lot of work to do.
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Learn how the city of Toronto is transforming its digital experience and service delivery for residents and businesses. On July 20, Government Technology will host municipal and industry experts to explain how Canada’s most populous city used a SaaS-based digital government payment platform to unify payment processes and service access across city departments and programs in a single pane of glass. Asim Hussain, Toronto’s Director of Digital Transformation, and John Thomson, CEO of PayIt, will break down how the city built the business case for payment modernization, and worked with all levels of government leader stakeholders to deploy a modern, customer-friendly platform to scale citizen access to government services.
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Cahoot Learning
An independent audit committee is a fundamental component of good corporate governance and this is no different in the Public Sector. The audit committee plays a key role in providing independent advice and assurance to the accountable authority to assist them in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities in a number of key areas. These may vary between State and Territory governments and the Australian Government but may include areas such as an entity's financial reporting, internal control systems, systems of risk oversight and risk management and performance reporting.
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As state and local government processes have grown increasingly complex over the past several years, the public sector has seen a widening efficiency gap. Organizations keep acquiring new solutions to streamline workflows, but the machinery of government just gets more and more complicated. Technologies aimed at improving operations just add new layers of complexity and frustration.
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